Tourney Pick-The-Bracket TOUR
Standings With 8 Top Picks
All of the standings pages are updated as each game ends. In addition to the points and wins accumulated to date, the Standings - With 8 Top Picks page displays each of your Elite 8 picks and whether or not they are still alive in the tournament.

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Standings Tiebreakers Top 8 Picks
Rank Name Pts Max Wins Tie Total Champion 2nd Place  3rd Place (4 wins)  5th Place (3 wins)
1 FROGGY 239 335 41 135.5 Michigan St N. Carolina Texas Tech, Wisconsin Duke, Gonzaga, Tennessee, Kentucky
2 BUCKWHEAT 207 207 37 125.0 Duke Oregon Florida St, Seton Hall Michigan St, Buffalo, Tennessee, Auburn
3 ALFALFA 203 203 36 175.0 Michigan N. Carolina Duke, Virginia Michigan St, Florida St, Cincinnati, Houston
4 WALDO 199 199 41 141.0 N. Carolina Michigan Duke, Tennessee Michigan St, Gonzaga, Virginia, Houston
5 PINEAPPLE 197 197 39 142.0 Duke N. Carolina Gonzaga, Virginia Michigan St, Michigan, Tennessee, Kentucky
6 PORKY 160 208 38 117.0 Virginia Gonzaga VCU, N. Carolina Michigan St, Michigan, Tennessee, Kentucky
7 SPANKY 133 133 33 117.0 Duke Houston Buffalo, Tennessee Michigan St, Florida St, Virginia, N. Carolina
8 BUTCH 115 115 28 148.0 Tennessee Michigan Michigan St, Utah St Va Tech, Florida St, Wisconsin, Iowa St

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Sort By: Rank - Pts - Wins
Pts: 239, Max: 335, Wins: 41, TieTtl: 135.5
1: Michigan St 2: N. Carolina 3: Texas Tech, Wisconsin
Pts: 207, Max: 207, Wins: 37, TieTtl: 125.0
1: Duke 2: Oregon 3: Florida St, Seton Hall
Pts: 203, Max: 203, Wins: 36, TieTtl: 175.0
1: Michigan 2: N. Carolina 3: Duke, Virginia
Pts: 199, Max: 199, Wins: 41, TieTtl: 141.0
1: N. Carolina 2: Michigan 3: Duke, Tennessee
Pts: 197, Max: 197, Wins: 39, TieTtl: 142.0
1: Duke 2: N. Carolina 3: Gonzaga, Virginia
Pts: 160, Max: 208, Wins: 38, TieTtl: 117.0
1: Virginia 2: Gonzaga 3: VCU, N. Carolina
Pts: 133, Max: 133, Wins: 33, TieTtl: 117.0
1: Duke 2: Houston 3: Buffalo, Tennessee
Pts: 115, Max: 115, Wins: 28, TieTtl: 148.0
1: Tennessee 2: Michigan 3: Michigan St, Utah St