Tourney Confidence 16 TOUR
Pick Deadline
Customize the pick deadline for your pool. No one can enter picks after the deadline has passed. In addition, all the picks are hidden until the deadline at which point they are revealed for everyone in the pool to see.
Set Pick Deadlines
Use this page to set the latest time that people can make or change their picks (and their tiebreaker if applicable).
Pool Manager Guide
Main Pick Deadline
Is the latest time people can enter picks. Normally you want to make this as late as possible (i.e. the first tipoff) to allow people the most time to make and change their picks without any manager involvement. At the same time the pool manager should instruct people to do their picks early and not wait until the last minute.
Tiebreaker Points Deadline
Only applies to pools that use the Total Points Scored in the Championship Game tiebreaker (check your tiebreakers). Our advice is to use a Championship Game Tipoff deadline for this, otherwise you have to enter your point prediction before the teams are known.