Football Playoff 12 TOUR
You can add the Super Bowl total and/or round points as tiebreakers on this page. Click on the question mark icon below for a brief explanation of each tiebreaker.


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Tiebreaker Explanation

Tip: You can use the text below to cut and paste into your official Pool Rules.

The Standings in this pool are based on 'Points'. The person with the most points is ranked highest in the standings. If there is a tie after 'Points', the first tiebreaker is 'SB Total'. The person who most closely predicts the total combined score by both teams in the Superbowl is ranked highest. Going over or under the total does not matter. If there is a tie after 'SB Total', the next tiebreaker is 'Round 2'. The person who earns the most points during the second round of the playoffs is ranked highest. If there is a tie after 'Round 2', it will be considered a tie.